First Post ... and a New Build

    It's time to start going I suppose. I used to run a blog about my scale model kit builds ... but that dropped off. As time went on I begrudgingly starting using Facebook and other sites. But big social media has only come to grate on me more and more over time.

    I still prefer blogs, forums and the occasional long-form YouTube content. Sure, it's more work, resources and time; but, I think it also demonstrates more care in what you are doing.

    To be honest though, I'm not the biggest fan of Google and its policies toward an open Internet these days, but money is tight, bandwidth is poor and Blogger is still freely available (at least for now.) I am on the Fediverse (Mastodon) and maybe someday a blog setup suitable to my needs will be more widely available and secure. For now though, this will be it.

    I will still be on Facebook, and YouTube for now, and still am a happy member of the Hobby link International Community. Links should be available to check if you wish, or not.

    I'm not anticipating a lot of traffic or feedback from this anymore, but time will tell. That being said, I hope you enjoy what I post and comment if you so desire.


Now ... onto a NEW build.

    I spent most of July getting over my first bout of COVID with my family, but that is now behind me and I'm  back to mostly normal. Just as I was getting sick, I learned of the passing of Boyd Crompton, aka TrekWorks on YouTube. He was dealing with cancer and was getting better, but then took a sudden turn. Cancer sucks, simple as that.

    Boyd was the reason many builders got back into the hobby, especially Sci-Fi and monsters. He ran forums and communities to keep us connected as well. Not to mention he was a good modeler and excellent painter. One of Boyd's favorite times was Halloween. He used to run a Halloween show on his channel and we all had fun being there.

    So, after his passing, we decided at HLI to turn our Halloween Group Build into a Memorial Group Build.

    The Halloween Build is our most popular and we run it every year, so from 2024 onward it is also a memorial build.

    So, I'll be building the Headless Horseman from Polar Lights, as seen in the Tim Burton film Sleepy Hollow. I got this kit off of eBay for about the original retail, which was surprising.


    I'm pretty sure this will be an exercise of painting black on black, but I have until Oct' 29, 5pm ET to get it done. I've been called a "Glacial Builder", so I'll see if I can break that tradition once again ...

More to follow!
